
See if you can point out the subtle changes that give each home more space, freedom and inspiration.  What would you do different?  

Remember, it's not just clutter to clean up, it's the correct placement of items.

If you can point out 3 feng shui principles, you'll WIN $50 off your first consultation.

Send me your 3 corrections (cures) to


This page will be constantly updated as new ‘before and after’ pictures are available.

Sample shift of energy in the wealth corner of this bedroom.

Be the first to add your images change here and share your shift with others

30 Day Journal with Guided Affirmations . . . by S.J. Greene

A perfect way to track & increase your goals

This journal with guided affirmations will teach you how to give your dreams life, and
- How to track your changes
- Give you motivation to keep going
- Remove any fear from moving ahead
- How to create affirmations that will keep supporting you wherever you are
- Show you how to create and re-create what works
- How to reveal your purpose

When you are looking to change your life you will want to feel supported during the process.  This journal  and guided affirmation book will teach you valuable lessons to keeping your dreams happy and closer to the future you want to live.